The Board of Directors for New Beginnings, C.A.S.A. has defined the mission of the agency in the following manner." Based on a foundation of efficiency, effectiveness, integrity and respect of the individual, New Beginnings, C.A.S.A. provides a comprehensive range of addiction services resulting in improved quality of life for the individual, the family, and the community.
The purpose at New Beginnings, C.A.S.A. is to provide services to both eligible and appropriate individuals in our area who abuse and/or depend on alcohol/drugs. Our ten county area includes: Grant, Jefferson, Arkansas, Cleveland, Ashley, Lincoln, Bradley, Chicot, Desha, and Drew Counties. Treatment is available on an outpatient and residential basis. It is our belief that alcohol/drug abuse or dependence is best treated without excessive or unnecessary use of other drugs. Our treatment includes counseling approaches utilizing evidence based programming, as well as, other professional therapeutic techniques. In individual and group settings, structured course work, all of which will help the individual and staff evaluate progress.
Admission to our program shall meet the following minimal criteria:
* Individual must be a resident of one of the ten counties in New Beginnings, C.A.S.A.'s area (exceptions may include those who are temporarily relocated to the area for an extended period of time due to family or occupation, and those females with special needs.) All admissions are at the discretion of the Executive Director and/or the Clinical Director.
* There must be a diagnosis based on the use or abuse of alcohol/drugs by medical, social, or psychological standards.
* An individual must be of legal age to be admitted into our residential treatment programming.
* An Individual must have had the" Informed Consent for Treatment" explained to him/her, and have agreed to all provisions included in this consent.
* An individual's level of care will be determined by comprehensive preadmission screening performed at the time of initial contact by a staff professional. Information provided through this screening, prior substance abuse treatment history, and current level of functioning will all be considered. The fundamental principle of a treatment placement system is that the client be placed in a level of care that has the appropriate resources (staff, training, and services) to assess and treat the client’s condition according to its severity and functioning.
Residential Services are provided in a newly remodeled facility which accommodates a maximum of 52 residential clients and 32 transitional living beds.